Romanian Survival Book

November 23, 2006

Talented/Famous Romanians # 1

Filed under: Famous Romanians,Romanian Talent — darian @ 2:54 pm


OANA  PELLEA                                                      

 Oana Pellea is a Romanian actress with an impressive portfolio both in theatre and film. She is widely appreciated and respected in Romania for both her amazing talent, the awards she has won by now and her natural modesty.

 The daughter of legendary Romanian actor Amza Pellea, the remarkable popular culture icon of Nea Marin, she resemblance a lot of her father love for theatre and acting, hard work and passion. In a consumist culture that creates ‘stars’ and VIPs out of nothing, Oana Pellea separates herself through a normal attitude, outstanding performances in any TV, theatre or film productions,  and a simplicity that is nothing but a subtlety of the way she is.

I have seen recently the much expected Children of Men where she plays the character of a Romanian Gypsy and I found her performance charming, natural, real and absolutely great. She speaks Romanian and mumbles in Romanian and she manages to capture so finely and with a such a sensible sense of humor the way certain Romanians behave, walk and talk that is fascinating. In a theatre cinema almost full, her appearance made all of us smile happily to see a Romanian in an British movie that is already considered for the Oscars and some laughing at her hillarious look in the movie and the way she portrays her character: with wit, charm and a lot of humanity. No wonder then to be distributed by the director Alfonso Cuaron within an international cast of great actors; it was her talent and her eyes that got her role in this movie after a huge competition .

All you have to do now is go and see her in the Children of Men.   oanapellea2.jpg

(pictures from the Romanian newspaper Evenimentul Zilei)

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